Fitness Improvements

Two years ago, my cholesterol was a little on the high side. I decided to lose some weight and slowly, slowly, I did that and my cholesterol went down for two years in a row. I love it when you do the things you’re supposed to do – healthy diet and exercise – and it actually works and you have the blood work to prove it. Yay science.

So imagine my horror when this year, my cholesterol went back up. Whhyyyy?? I’m eating the same diet I’ve been eating and if anything, I’m exercising more days a week than I used to.

I blame COVID. Even though I’m exercising, that’s maybe 20-30 minutes a day. Literally, the rest of the day I’m sitting around, most often behind my computer. Many days, I do not venture outside other than to retrieve the newspaper.

And so within an hour of seeing my test results online, I had a plan of action and was on my way to Trader Joe’s to execute. Here’s what I decided to change.

It’s not enough to avoid bad foods – I wanted to add in good foods. I’m making a conscious effort to eat beans and legumes, salmon, avocado (such a hardship!), seeds, and berries. My new lunch salad is greens, smoked salmon, avocado, and pumpkin seeds with homemade vinaigrette. So good, and hits so many of the good foods.

When COVID hit and we started working from home, I immediately took my Fitbit off. What was the point? I’ve now put my Fitbit back on and make an effort to take a walk every day. My husband is a big taker of walks, so we walk together. I think (hope) that this will make a big difference.

I’ve been doing well on exercise, but I’ve upped it a bit, trying to challenge myself a bit more and not to phone it in.

I won’t get blood work done for another year, so I’ll have to keep this up for a full year to see if it works. Can I do it? We shall see.

Living My Best Life in Quarantine

Like many people, I’m spending quarantine waffling between being depressed and living my best life. I’ve established some good routines that I’m already stressing about how to adapt when I have to go back to the office.

Here are some of my life improvements:

I can sleep later. I hate waking up early and would always stress when I had early meetings.

I froth milk for my coffee every day. I used to do it just on weekends.

I start work earlier because I don’t have to commute and I also end earlier. Most of the time.

I have finally been successful with a housecleaning routine, and I think it’s only because I’m home during the day to do it.

I’ve been exercising regularly and bought a TRX (google it). There’s no barrier of having to go to the gym.

I’m home for the PBS Newshour every night.

I’ve been making sourdough on the regular.

I’m learning Spanish through the Duolingo app.

Sometimes I take walks with my husband during the day. Shhh, don’t tell my boss.

I start making dinner earlier so I have more time to enjoy my evening.

I’ve started my blogs (this and the companion blog, Good Enough Gourmet) up again, duh!