Making Habits Stick

I didn’t make any New Year’s resolutions for 2021, because I’m self-actualized. JK, I’m not self-actualized, but I have finally managed to nail the resolutions that I’ve been making every year for the past few 20 years. These are 1) flossing my teeth, and 2) keeping my house clean.

I can’t point to what exactly made these habits stick after so many years, but I do read a lot of books about habits, including Atomic Habits and Tiny Habits, so the advice must have stuck in my head.

Here’s what I think made it work for me.

– I have a set time to do it (after breakfast)
– I found a floss that I like and I buy it at Costco so I never run out. I also keep it out on the counter so I have a visual cue.
– Practice makes perfect. I used to hate flossing because the floss would get stuck between my teeth and my gums would bleed. I guess I figured it out over the years because now I can do it no problem. It also takes literally a minute or so.
– Positive reinforcement. The last two times I went to the dentist, he said to keep doing whatever I’m doing and that I should come back in 6 months. 6 months! I know that’s normal, but dentists have had me on an every 4 month schedule for years.
– Tracking. At first I was tracking the habit and trying not to miss a day but I’ve stopped tracking now that I have it down.

– I have a set time to do it (noon)
– I’m following a system, so I have specific instructions on what to do each day. I don’t have to think.
– My daily tasks don’t take that long
= I made my own cleaning products which smell good and are in pretty containers
– My house looks great so I feel rewarded.
– I track my progress in my planner. Don’t underestimate the power of checking something off a list.

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